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42nd & Grand: Road Design Meeting

  • July 08, 2020
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Virtual Meeting


Registration is closed

Grand Ave Construction: 42nd & Grand Design Meeting

Please join us virtually to discuss the newest design plans proposed by the city of Minneapolis for the reconstruction of Grand Avenue scheduled to begin next year. This is your opportunity to weigh in on design plans, point out potential difficulties for your business and the neighborhood (specific to your business corner), and impact final design plans.

It's been a while since we last met. The conversation will be most constructive if you take a few minutes prior to the meeting to remember key stressors and needs for your intersection so that we can discuss and review those with planners during the meeting. For 42nd & Grand, this could include bus traffic, school or organization parking, key times of high capacity parking, delivery space needs, pickup spot needs, etc. This may have evolved since our last meeting due to covid changes.

The City will be providing a link for this virtual meeting. We will include this link in the meeting RSVP confirmations and reminder emails as soon as it is available. We hope you can all join us - the more voices speaking for your corner, the better the final design will be.

Join the meeting at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81914139393?pwd=czNOUFdvMjhrTElaNzQ4MnU2YlBMdz09

If you have not previously joined a Zoom meeting, please plan to join the meeting early enough to download the app.

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Southwest Business Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. Minnesota , P.O. Box 8932, Minneapolis, MN 55408

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