
Small independent businesses within our neighborhoods provide a vitality to the area and create many of the public spaces where we gather. They are an essential component of what makes Southwest Minneapolis such a great place to live, work and play. The Southwest Business  Association is a local non-profit founded and run by volunteers who live right here in the neighborhoods of Southwest Minneapolis. Funds contributed to the Southwest Business Association go directly to help small independent businesses open shop in our communities, improve their storefronts, create inviting gathering spaces that we all enjoy and, help the city create thoughtful structure that supports local community connections and business growth.

Thank you for Supporting Local Small Business in our Community.

Our Neighborhood Small Businesses Give Back By:

  • Helping to build our sense of community identity
  • Supporting local organizations and charities
  • Improving our community health through relationships and gathering spaces
  • Providing us with opportunities to reduce our carbon footprints
  • Increasing our local tax base
  • Creating local jobs
  • Creating innovation and answering needs 
  • Requiring less infrastructure and lower maintenance
  • Providing us with unique, one-of-a-kind products and goods, often made by local producers continuing the circle of local support


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Copyright Southwest Business Association

Southwest Business Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. Minnesota , P.O. Box 8932, Minneapolis, MN 55408

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